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WOW : New teacher manual with experiment lesson plans from

Lesson plans from a dedicated section on the FNR’s website have now been published in a new manual for primary school teachers in Luxembourg. The manual provides instructions and information for teachers to run simple, interactive experiments together with their pupils in the classroom – with no prior experience necessary.  

The teacher’s manual is available in German and French and was produced by the SCRIPT (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’innovation pédagogiques et technologiques) in collaboration with the FNR/ It contains 28 lesson plans that are based on the curriculum of C2 – C4, so the experiments can be carried out as a complement to subjects being taught. ‘Which food contains the most fat ?’, ‘How much air can our lungs hold ?’ or ‘How does rain form ?’ are just three examples of topics covered. 

Conveying the scientific method through experiments 

The lesson plans are based on the principle of the scientific method, which always starts with a question. Together with their teacher, pupils can discuss possible answers to that question (hypotheses) and then proceed to testing at least one of these ideas with a hands-on experiment in the classroom, using simple material. Pupils can then draw conclusions through observation.  

In each unit, at least one experiment is described in detail, illustrated with photos and accompanied by suggestions for introducing the subject, practical advice and a brief scientific explanation in layman’s terms. 

The experiments help teachers to convey the scientific method in an interactive and fun way, and to provide a creative environment in which students can ask questions and develop ideas, while working in teams.
Michèle Weber Science Communicator at FNR who coordinated the project with the SCRIPT.  

A collaboration between teachers and science communicators 

The lesson plans presented in the manual are based on more detailed pedagogical units that FNR science mediators have prepared for in collaboration with teachers who have been seconded via SCRIPT. The pedagogical units on (DE/FR) provide additional background information, research sheets to document the experiment and suggestions for day trips in Luxembourg related to the subject. In the “WOW” manual, a QR code links to the pedagogical units on  

The ”WOW” teacher manual is available in German and French and can be ordered by teachers from Luxembourg via the “Bon de commande” from the Ministry of Education.  

A digital version of the manual will soon be available to view and download as a non-printable version from the Heydoo platform.  

Tutorial video and IFEN-Training 

“The WOW-manual and the pedagogical units on are conceived in a way so that teachers don’t need any prior experience with experiments or knowledge about the subject”, says Michèle Weber.  

The FNR also however produced a 6-min tutorial video together with seconded teachers, which provides guidance for teachers on how to use the manual.  

In addition, the FNR also offers hands-on teacher training in collaboration with the IFEN (Institut de formation pour l’éducation nationale) on the following dates:  

 And finally, the FNR will be hosting a WOW-Experiments workshop at the YEP! school fair, which is co-organised by the SCRIPT and takes place from 21-24 April at Luxexpo.  

Related contacts

Michèle Weber, PhD

Science Communicator

(Not available Tuesday and Friday afternoons)