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Results 2020-2 Industrial Fellowships Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that 8 of 14 Industrial Fellowship projects have been selected for funding in the 2020-2 Call, representing an FNR commitment of 1.35 MEUR. 

The aim of the Industrial Fellowships programme is to foster the cooperation between Luxembourg based companies active in R&D and public research institutions in Luxembourg and/or abroad. The scheme awards PhD and Postdoc grants to researchers who carry out their PhD and/or postdoc training in collaboration with a company in Luxembourg. The scheme is open to all scientific domains, and do all researchers, regardless of their nationality. Collaborating companies must have a presence in Luxembourg.

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Funded Industrial Fellowships projects

PhD – Domain Mathematics


Henri Hoyez

Project title

Development and Evaluation of Deep Domain Mapping Solutions for Multivariate Time Series Applied to the Ironmaking Industry (DDMAI)

Host company

Paul Wurth

Collaborating institution

TU Kaiserslautern (Germany)


Reinhard Leperlier

Project title

Development and Evaluation of a Reinforcement Learning Model as an Enabler for Autonomous Blast Furnace (AUBLAF)

Host company

Paul Wurth

Collaborating institution

TU Kaiserslautern (Germany)

Postdoc – Domain Mathematics


Vadim Gorski

Project title

Optimal Power Trading in Illiquid Markets (OPTIM)

Host company

Quantego SARL

Collaborating institution

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Postdoc – Domain Humanities & Social Science


Ana Carolina Teixeira Santos

Project title

Mindfulness training on aging: the effects of mindfulness based-stress reduction in older Portuguese Immigrants residing in Luxembourg (MEDITAGING)

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Industry partner

ZithaSenior S.A.


Tindara Caprì

Project title

Social Empathetic Robot for Autism (SERA)

Host company

Luxai S.A.

Collaborating institution

National Research Council of Italy (IRIB-CNR)

Postdoc – Domain Life Sciences, Biology & Medicine 


Marco Proietto

Project title

Next Generation Enzyme Immobilization using Molecular Plasma Grafting (EnzImmoPlas)

Host institution

University of Luxembourg

Industry partner

Molecular Plasma Group

Postdoc – Domain Materials, Physics & Engineering


Bassem Hichri

Project title

Flexible Manipulation in Industrial Environment (Flex-Man)

Host company

GCL International

Collaborating institution

University of Luxembourg

PhD – Domain ICT


Ahmed Abdelnaser Elsayed Murtada

Project title

Radar Distributed Sensors for Indoor Imaging (RADII)

Host institution

University of Luxembourg (SnT)

Industry partner