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Results 2019-1 JUMP (Pathfinder) Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that 6 of 7 eligible Pathfinder projects have been accepted in the 2019-1 JUMP Call, an FNR commitment of 222,300 EUR.

The FNR JUMP programme (formerly PoC) is a competitive funding programme, open to all research domains, that is designed to help bridge the technical and funding gap between research-driven discoveries and their commercialisation/utilisation, thereby enhancing the impact of Luxembourg’s research on economy and society. The programme has two strands: Pathfinder and Proof of Concept.

Go to JUMP programme page

Funded projects

Principal Investigator

Project title

Designer microbial community for improved anaerobic digestion of biomass (Microbiome Designer)

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed

29,900 EUR 

Principal Investigator

Eric Falk

Project title

FIBer the FILE Blockchain (FIBer)

Host institution

University of Luxembourg (SnT)

FNR committed

50,000 EUR

Principal Investigator

Beltran Borja Fiz Pontiferos

Project title


Host institution

University of Luxembourg (SnT)

FNR committed

45,150 EUR

Principal Investigator

Alipour Sarvari

Project title

Indoor Tracking Emergency Evacuation Decision Support System (EVACUATE)

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed

30,000 EUR

Principal Investigator

Tomas Navarrete Gutierrez

Project title

Software for CALculating EMergy based on life cycle inventories (SCALEM)

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed

34,250 EUR

Principal Investigator

Leslie Ogorzaly

Project title

Aptamer as a tool for adenovirus detection (AptaLux)

Host institution

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

FNR committed

33,000 EUR

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