The FNR’s INTER Mobility programme enables researchers in Luxembourg to visit researchers abroad, and researchers abroad to visit researchers in Luxembourg. As part of the scheme, Judith Clifton, Full Professor in Economic and Public Policy at the Faculty of Business & Economic Sciences at the University of Cantabria had a research stay with David Howarth at the University of Luxembourg. We spoke to Prof Clifton about her experience.
Why did you apply for the INTER Mobility Research Fellowship?
“For many years, my colleague Professor David Howarth, at University of Luxembourg, had insisted I apply for this Fellowship in order to combine our expertise on the European system of public banks, particularly, the European Investment Bank. Though the European Investment Banks is one of the world´s most important public banks, there is simply not enough research on it, so we just do not know enough about what it does.
“There is a relatively small body of scholars who work on European public banks so creating “critical mass” of scholarship by working closely together is really important. However, as a mother of young children, I could not take up this opportunity as they were being schooled in Spain. However, once they became independent, it was the moment to apply and, fortunately, be successfully selected!”
What did your FNR INTER Mobility Research Fellowship entail?
“It meant being based at the University of Luxembourg in person for a period of time. In my case, this worked as a kind of “secondment” from my home university, Universidad de Cantabria, whilst I conducted my research. It also meant having regular contact with other researchers at University of Luxembourg in order to exchange ideas on research, giving papers at seminars, and participating in academic events there.”
What were the main advantages?
“In addition to it always being an honour to be awarded such prestigious opportunities, being based in Luxembourg as FNR Research Fellow recipient first facilitated my proximity to conduct many interviews – at the European Investment Bank, but also with policymakers in Luxembourg and Brussels.”
“The fact that I was FNR Research Fellow also helped, I think, successfully get access to interviewees – who were very generous with their time – as it was a stamp of quality on my work. This was a real bonus as conducting interviews is a really important way to understand how officials at institutions see their own work.”
“Another huge advantage is the fabulous University of Luxembourg campus which I really liked. It is a unique construct where old blast furnaces are maintained in place alongside post-modern installations for the campus infrastructure. It really is like researching in the heart of Europe, since the first casting of European steel in the context of the European Coal and Steel Community (which was the seed which led to the European Union) was actually made, in 1953!”
Do you have any advice on how to successfully obtain an INTER Mobility grant?
“First, it is important to have a good contact at an eligible Luxembourg institution with whom you can fruitfully combine energy towards joint research. Second, it is important to know the FNR research priorities to see whether your line of expertise can well contribute to these. Third, but this is generic with all applications, you have to have an original and high-quality research question and a feasible plan of research given time and resources allowed for in the FNR application. I would strongly recommend this experience to all researchers.”
Judith Clifton is Full Professor in Economic and Public Policy at the Faculty of Business & Economic Sciences, University of Cantabria and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Economic Policy Reform. Learn more.