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Possibility to contribute to IPCC’s 7th Assessment Report

To all researchers from Luxembourg: Are you Coordinating Lead Author, Lead Author or Review Editor for the three main working group contributions to the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7)? Register by 2 April 2025.

Luxembourg is invited by the IPCC to nominate research experts, potential users and practitioners for appointment as Coordinating Lead Author, Lead Author or Review Editor for the three main working group contributions to the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7):

  • Working Group I, dealing with the scientific basis of climate change;
  • Working Group II, dealing with impacts, adaptation and vulnerability;
  • Working Group III, dealing with climate change mitigation.

The outlines of the working groups’ contributions to the AR7 were drawn up following an exhaustive scoping process involving the scientific community and governments, and were approved in the plenary session at the 62nd session of the IPCC in China in February 2025. The outline can be consulted on the IPCC website: Decision IPCC-LXII-8.

More information on the call for applications can be found here. The IPCC states: “Hundreds of experts around the world in different scientific domains volunteer their time and expertise to produce the reports of the IPCC. Author teams reflect a range of scientific, technical and socio-economic expertise. Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors are responsible for drafting the different chapters of the Working Group contributions to the AR7 and, with the help of the Review Editors, revising those based on comments submitted during the two rounds of reviews by experts and governments.”

The nomination is sent by the Luxembourg IPCC focal point of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity. If you would like to be considered for nomination, please follow the steps below:

  • Complete the nomination form (located at the bottom of the page here) for the appropriate working group and save it as surname_name_[report name, e.g. WGI]. Check that you have completed all mandatory fields, as indicated by an asterisk (*).
  • Provide a CV in pdf format, no longer than 4 pages, and saved as surname_name_cv
  • By Wednesday, April 2, 2024, send your nomination form and CV to Please include in the text of your e-mail your country of residence and the country of your professional activity (if outside Luxembourg, so we can inform and coordinate with the IPCC national focal point of the other country).

Final selection rests with the IPCC Bureau.