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Mr Science


About Mr Science

Mr Science, portrayed by Joseph Rodesch, has been captivating TV (RTL) and Radio audiences for over a decade with his engaging approach to science. As an employee at the FNR, Mr Science plays a crucial role as a mediator between the scientific community and non-scientists, emphasizing the importance of this connection.

Whether he’s performing daring experiments on a propeller aircraft or hosting live shows for children and young adults, Mr Science exudes enthusiasm for his work as a chemist and his goal of sparking interest in science. Rodesch’s involvement extends beyond his on-screen presence; he advises journalists on scientific matters and conducts training courses for teachers, making him a trusted figure in science communication.

Mr Science represents a multifaceted approach to promoting science and bridging the gap between researchers and the public.

Related contacts

Joseph Rodesch

Science Communicator (Mr Science)