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ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies

  • Country/ies:

    Austria , Belgium , Bulgaria , Croatia , Czech Republic , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Ireland , Italy , Latvia , Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Turkey , United Kingdom
  • Deadline: Autumn 2025


QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies is a consortium of Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) supporting research and innovation in Quantum Technologies (QT) in Europe. The funding organisations of QuantERA jointly support European multilateral research projects with the potential to initiate or foster new lines of QT through collaborations exploring advanced multidisciplinary science and/or cutting-edge engineering. At the end of January 2023 QuantERA II will launch a joint transnational Call for research proposals in Quantum Sciences and Technologies (named Call 2023).

The submitted proposals are expected to be aligned with one of the two QuantERA call 2023 topics:

  • Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR)
  • Applied Quantum Science (AQS)

Funded projects in both topics are expected to address one or more of the following areas:

  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum simulation
  • Quantum computation
  • Quantum information sciences
  • Quantum metrology sensing and imaging

Project consortia: The project consortia must have a minimum of 3 eligible partners requesting funding in at least 3 of the following countries.

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom

Deadline for proposal submission: 11 May 2023


Webinar: An online webinar will be hosted by the QuantERA Coordinator and the Call Secretariat on March 2nd 2023, 14:00 CET. Registration required.

Partner search tool

In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, a Partner Search Tool is available. This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.

Find out more on


The estimated budget for this call is 40 MEUR.

The total FNR financial contribution for this call is limited to EUR 500.000.


Luxembourg participants: A principal investigator may act in one proposal only. A consortium leader from a Luxembourg-based public research institution should be a researcher with solid experience of managing collaborative research projects.

Submissions have to be made through the online submission system of the QuantERA II website, where the call documents are also available.

Applications not submitted through the QuantERA II website cannot be retained for review.

In addition to the QuantERA II documents, Luxembourg applicants need to submit the FNR INTER documents via the FNR Online Grant Management System no more than 7 days after the QuantERA II deadline. Applicants will need to provide basic information and attach the proposal (including all further relevant documents) based on the form provided by the QuantERA II call.