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Green Era Hub

Sustainable and resilient agri-food systems

  • Country/ies:

    Belgium , Denmark , Finland , Germany , Ireland , Lithuania , United Kingdom , African Countries
  • Deadline: 31-07-2024 12:00 (pre-proposals)
    05-09-2024 12:00
    12:00 CET (full proposals)


The Green ERA-Hub (GEH) is a Coordination and Support Action of the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. It represents 15 currently active EU ERA-Net Cofunds and self-sustained initiatives in the field of agri-food and biotechnology. The partners and initiatives consider GEH an ideal measure to continue and extend their fruitful co-operation. Among the main aims, the GEH will build on previous achievements and further enhance cross-sectoral collaboration between agri-food and biotechnology ERA-Nets by identifying common research and innovation priorities and addressing them in joint transnational funding of collaborative research projects.

As a result of the alignment of various national and regional research programmes, the GEH has combined the research and innovation priorities of different ERA-Net initiatives to launch the first GEH Joint Call.

Read the full information on the Green Era Hub website

Topic overview

Topic for this 2nd call is “Crop and livestock farming meeting the challenges of climate change”. There will be a webinar for applicants on 21 of June 2024, 9:30 CEST. Register for webinar.


The FNR contributes 300,000 EUR.


Who can apply?

Universities and other higher education institutions, public research institutions, private non-profit organisations, and private companies can apply, subject to the national/regional regulations and eligibility criteria detailed in the call announcement. Applying research consortia must include at least three eligible partners requesting funding from at least three different member countries who contribute funds to the Call. Funding of the participating research organisations will be provided by their respective national funding organisation according to their legal terms and conditions for project funding.

Where to apply?

Submissions have to be done through the online submission system of the Green Era Hub website, where the call documents will also available. Applications not submitted through the this website cannot be retained for review.

In addition to the Green Era Hub documents, Luxembourg applicants need to submit the FNR INTER documents via the FNR Online Grant Management System.


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