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Luxembourg National Research Fund

INTERnational cooperation: Results CHANSE Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that one project featuring a Luxembourg-based researcher has been retained for funding in the recent CHANSE Call in collaboration with the HERA and NORFACE networks. In the Call, a total of 20 projects were retained for funding. The FNR supported this call as part of the INTER programme to foster international collaboration between researchers in Luxembourg and abroad.

CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) is pleased to announce that 20 international projects have been selected for funding through the following calls:

The aim of launching the CHANSE Calls was to fund high-quality research addressing current social and cultural challenges, while fostering collaboration between researchers and various stakeholder groups, including NGOs, cultural institutions, schools, and more. The programme’s first call, Transformations: Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age, launched in 2021, generated significant interest from the academic community. Building on that success, two new calls were issued two years later for research in the humanities and social sciences: Crisis and Well-being. Both calls emphasized the promotion of diversity in research. Applicants were encouraged to consider gender balance, academic career stage, geographical diversity, knowledge exchange, and research impact when forming their consortia.

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Figures for Luxembourg:
  • 13 pre proposals submitted
  • 4 selected for full proposal
  • 3 retained for full proposal selection
  • 1 recommended for funding (FNR PEARL Chair Prof Conchita D’Ambrosio, University of Luxembourg)