How does the FNR fund research?
The FNR’s key values are excellence and quality in research. The FNR systematically submits funding proposals to an evaluation by independent scientific experts and applies the highest standards of scientific merit, transparency, impartiality, confidentiality and integrity.
As a testament to the importance the FNR places on transparency, a 2015 external evaluation of the FNR’s selection process for the CORE programme deemed the process to be transparent, fair, unbiased and impartial. The principles of this selection procedure are applied to all FNR research funding schemes.
Types of funding
We have three overarching types of funding:
- Person funding (AFR, ATTRACT, Industrial Fellowships, PEARL, KITS)
- Project funding (BRIDGES, CORE, INTER, OPEN, INTER Mobility, IPBG, JUMP, PSP-CLASSIC, PSP-FLAGSHIP, PRIDE, RESCOM, and additionally joint project calls with Luxembourg Ministries)
- Programme funding (INITIATE; NCER)
- For most funding instruments, the grants will be transferred directly to the host institution, which is then responsible for administering the grant.
When we accept applications
The FNR has more than 10 different funding instruments, covering a broad spectrum of funding opportunities. When these programmes are opened for proposals, we launch a ‘Call for Proposals’. These calls may cover a certain research topic, or may address other issues of strategic importance for Luxembourg (e.g. attract young promising researchers to Luxembourg).
The programmes AFR, BRIDGES, CORE, INDUSTRIAL FELLOWSHIPS, INTER MOBILITY, OPEN, PEARL, RESCOM, ATTRACT, KITS, JUMP open for proposals on an annual basis. PSP-Classic normally opens twice per year. The programme INTER has ongoing deadlines, as it serves as an umbrella for research collaborations between scientists in Luxembourg and other researchers across the world.
Selection process
The FNR values a transparent selection process. All applicants submitting proposals (successful or not) will receive the results of the peer review and panel evaluation of their proposals.
1. Peer Review
Once a call has closed the FNR checks submitted proposals for general eligibility. Eligible projects are put through a vigorous peer review process, and each proposal is on average reviewed by 2 – 3 international experts in the relevant field. Peer reviewers must comply with the FNR’s peer review guidelines and sign a non-disclosure agreement before assessing the proposals / applications.
2. Panel and final decision
Following the written evaluation of the proposals, the FNR organises panels consisting of international experts:
- The task of the panel is to discuss and compare the proposals of each domain / call. They are also asked to assess the quality of the written reviews.
- Each panel member is assigned one or more proposals and asked to prepare a detailed synthesis to present to the rest of the panel members.
- The panel makes a funding recommendation to the FNR on each proposal.
- The Board of the FNR makes the final decision on which projects will be funded.
Appeals process
Read about the FNR’s appeals process
Read about the FNR’s appeals process