Based on the strength of the first Joint Call HealthTech, the Ministry of the Economy, the National Research Fund and Luxinnovation join again forces to further build the collaboration culture between companies, research and healthcare organisations to match HealthTech products or services at prototype stage with research and healthcare expertise to co-develop and validate these solutions at a clinical level for the benefit of patients and deliver leading innovation.
Goal of the call is the development and validation of innovative digital health solutions benefiting the national healthcare (patients, healthcare professionals, payers), research and innovation ecosystems.
Webinar on 1 February 2023
The Ministry of the Economy, the FNR and Luxinnovation are hosting a webinar on 1 February 2023 at 13:00 CET, which will explain how to prepare applications to respond to the Joint Call for HealthTech projects that will be open until 31 March 2023. The webinar will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the objectives of the call as well as the process of preparing applications, and to ask questions.
Visit for the full information
Use of digital tools to improve prevention, diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of health conditions to improve public health or to increase patient autonomy, such as at home or in a care home environment
Products to be developed through this call must be innovative digital health solutions for human use that (1) are already at prototype stage and that can meet at least one of (2a) or (2b)
(2a) are or will be regulated by the medical device regulation (MDR) or in-vitro medical device regulation (IVDR). (Examples: digital medical devices, digital health applications, connected medical devices)
(2b) that will apply innovative data processing or analysis techniques on real world data from healthcare or care environments to prove a societal impact.
In line with national priorities seeking to develop personalised medicine further, and in line with strategic intentions to build a data innovation service platform, consortia will have to align to the following approaches:
- Innovative clinical investigations
Centred on taking the current state of the art in clinical trials and refining their design and implementation through innovative means such as digital tools, smart wearables and sensors, electronic medical record analysis, and other precision medicine approaches. These clinical trials should bring added value to patients.
- Multifactorial intervention strategies
Focused on designing and testing interventions that are not molecular in nature, for example through lifestyle and digital means. The goal is to improve health through innovative, participatory, and personalised intervention strategies, resulting in health-associated impact through interdisciplinary research.
Visit for the full call 2023 information
- Consortia are expected to include at least one participating company and one participating research organisation or hospital. An ideal consortium would have as close to an equal contribution between private and public parties as feasible, but at a maximum no party shall bear more than 70% of the total project costs.
- FNR will fund the costs of the accredited research organisations in Luxembourg, up to 500.000 EUR per project covering all project specific costs.
- The Ministry of the Economy will co-finance costs borne by Luxembourg eligible companies up to 700.000 EUR per project, using the R&D aid scheme.
- Additionally, the Ministry of Health / Directorate of Health have an option to allocate 50.000€ grants to healthcare organisations towards projects selected as part of this Joint Call.
- It is expected that projects shall be considered as experimental developments. In this case, maxima co-funding rates are as follows:
- Small enterprise: 60%; Medium enterprise: 50%; Large enterprise: 40%.
- Costs related to patents and certifications are only eligible for SMEs and will be co-funded up to 50% under the Innovation Aid for SMEs funding scheme.
- Self-funded international consortium partners are permitted to participate in the consortium.
Project durations are targeted for a 24 to 30 month period, with a 6 month extension to be requested if needed.
Call process & timeline
- Phase 1: 1 Feb 2023 9h00 – 31 Mar 2023 14h00: Project outline (PO) to be submitted on the platform of Luxinnovation.
- Phase 2: 15 May 2023 9h00 – 14 Jul 2023 14h00: Full project proposal (FPP) to be submitted by each project participant either to the Ministry of the Economy (Myguichet platform) for companies and to FNR (FNR Grant system) for accredited research organizations. The FPP as well as the financial annexes to be appended by each partner to the aid application can be downloaded from the platform
- The panel will take place on 28th September 2023
- The results will be communicated in January 2024 and projects can start in February 2024.
- Projects have to be in line with the call topic.
- Companies must fulfil the criteria set out in the R&D aid scheme
- Research organisations must be eligible for funding with the FNR