Luxembourg is increasingly establishing itself as a research destination and putting itself on the international research map, and in 2006, we launched the INTER programme – our umbrella for our international cooperation opportunities.
The INTER programme is our instrument to provide co-funding for international research collaborations between scientists in Luxembourg and abroad.
The INTER Programme is the FNR’s main funding instrument to foster international collaboration.
Discover the funding opportunities through our INTER programme.
It aims to give Luxembourg’s public research a higher profile in the international context by providing funding for international collaboration. INTER enables the FNR to initiate bi or multilateral arrangements for project calls in conjunction with other national or international funding bodies.
FNR has entered a number of cooperation agreements with foreign funding agencies to provide funding opportunities for bilateral projects. Furthermore, FNR has joined several international consortia which provide funding opportunities for multilateral projects.
INTER projects need to be submitted to a specific INTER call. Calls may target bi- or multilateral projects. Researchers wishing to submit joint proposals should consult information within individual call documents for details.
All INTER Calls are announced in the FNR’s newsletter FNR Info.
WEAVE – research without borders
The FNR is one of 12 funding agencies in 11 European countries to sign WEAVE, a bottom-up, cross-European initiative developed by European research funders to support excellent collaborative research projects across borders.
WEAVE aims to simplify the submission and selection procedures of collaborative research proposals that involve researchers from up to three European countries or regions. It does this by making proposals go through a single evaluation procedure.
Find out more on the FNR-WEAVE programme page or on the WEAVE website
- The Luxembourg project partner needs to be eligible for FNR funding, while the foreign project partner needs to be eligible for funding from the foreign funding agency(-ies) participating in the call.
- For each call, a lead agency is defined which manages the complete selection process from reception of the applications to the peer review procedure. In most cases the foreign funding agency is the lead agency (and not the FNR).
- Additionally to submitting to the lead agency abroad, all applications have to be submitted through the FNR Online Grant Management System by the Luxembourg partner, including the FNR INTER documents.
- Proposals must be submitted to the FNR at latest 7 working days after the lead-agency’s deadline. Applicants will need to provide basic information and attach the proposal (including all further relevant documents) based on the form provided by the lead agency.