The Ministry of the Economy, the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) (“granting authorities”) and Luxinnovation have again joined forces to offer companies and research institutions a funding opportunity that supports consortia to take advantage of high-performance computing (HPC) capacities in their research field.
The purpose of this joint funding call for projects is to accelerate the integration of computer aided engineering, design and analytics as well as high-performance computing into company’s internal innovation process. The joint funding call therefore supports the implementation of high quality, high impact and innovative applied research and development projects that aim to benefit from high-performance computing.
The specific objectives of the HPC joint call are:
- to support innovation and sustainable value creation by stimulating strong partnerships between public research institutes and companies in the field of high-performance computing;
- to increase the company’s expertise in HPC applications in order to enhance their use of complex calculations in areas such as modeling and simulation, data analysis, virtual testing, machine learning and artificial intelligence;
- to encourage the implementation of innovative projects that contribute to the development of Luxembourg’s industrial and economic landscape and are in line with national strategic priorities;
- to increase the attractiveness of Luxembourg as an innovation hub based on advanced technological research on HPC.
Joint call High Performance Computing: information session / webinar series
The webinars will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the objectives of the call as well as the process of preparing applications and to ask questions. The webinar will present the objectives of the Joint Call HPC as well as the process of preparing applications, followed by a Q&A session.
- The FNR will fund the costs of the eligible research organizations in Luxembourg, up to 400.000 € per project covering all project specific costs.
- The Ministry of the Economy will co-finance costs borne by Luxembourg eligible companies up to ±700.000 € per project, using the R&D aid scheme
It is expected that the projects will be considered as industrial research and/or experimental development projects. In this case, the maximum co-financing rates for companies through collaboration are as follows:
Maximum aid intensities | Large company | Medium company | Small company |
Experimental development | 40% | 50% | 60% |
Industrial research | 65% | 75% | 80% |
Project durations are targeted for a 24 to 36 month period.
Project ideas must be submitted via the dedicated platform between 15 September and 15 November 2023, 14:00 CET.
Phase 2 / Full project proposal (FPP) to be submitted between 2 January – 29 February 2024, 14:00 CET by each project participant either to the Ministry of the Economy (Myguichet platform) for companies and to FNR (FNR Grant Management system) for accredited research organisations. The FPP as well as the financial annexes to be appended by each partner to the aid application can be downloaded from the platform. Direct link