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First project funded in joint FNR-Ministry of Agriculture Call

In June 2021, the FNR and the Luxembourg Ministry of Agriculture (MAVDR) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), announcing the launch of a joint Call on “Sustainable and resilient agriculture and food systems”. Following the Call for proposals, 1 of 8 projects has been retained for funding. The funded project aims to support farmers and policy makers through a smart-cropping management solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect soil carbon. 

The FNR and the Luxembourg Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development (MAVDR) joined forces to put forward a call for research proposals to support policy making and to help the decision-making process.  

This collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture and the FNR is a milestone that will enable the agricultural sector to move towards sustainable and resilient food systems while strengthening its position in the supply chain from farm to fork. This innovative approach is also part of the Ministry of Agriculture’s “Landwirtschaft+” approach for economic, social and ecological strengthening of the agricultural sector. 

The joint FNR-MAVDR call was launched to support applied multidisciplinary research on innovative resilient and sustainable farming practices and systems in three thematic research fields: 

  1. Adaptation of Luxemburg’s Agriculture to Climate Change
  2. Adaptation of Local Farming Practices to improve their Impact on Water Resources
  3. Adaptation of Local Farming Practices to improve their Impact on Biodiversity and Related Ecosystem Services in Agroecosystems

Cross-border collaborations were strongly encouraged in the Call, to allow high-level research consortia with complementary expertise to develop and exchange knowledge. 

The second joint Call is expected to be launched in July 2022. More information will be communicated at the launch of the Call. 

Funded project

Principal Investigator: Kate Buckeridge 

Institution: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) 

Project partner: University of Aberdeen, UK 

Project title: Smart Cropping to Adapt Luxembourg Agriculture to Climate Change (ADAPT) 

Project duration: 48 months 

Project budget: 598,000 EUR 


Crops are necessary to feed people. However, growing crops causes soil to lose carbon and emit greenhouse gases. These emissions contribute to climate change and climate extremes — such as drought — and reduce crop yields. The EU and the Luxembourg governments have set strict climate legislation that requires farmers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, farmers need methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their fields and make their crops resilient to climate extremes. Policy makers need better accounting of greenhouse gas emissions to guide future legislation.

In ADAPT, we propose to support farmers and policy makers. We propose a smart-cropping management solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect soil carbon. It will use a practical and feasible combination of cover crops, under sown crops, reduced tillage, and reduced synthetic nitrogen. We will partner with farmers in the north and south of Luxembourg to test our management solution.

This partnership will involve comparing our smart cropping to conventional cropping, maintaining an experiment that diverts rainfall to mimic drought, and analysing soil and soil microorganisms in the lab to understand how our management solution keeps carbon in the soil. The data we collect will be used to calibrate and validate models that can simulate greenhouse gas emissions at the two sites. We will compare three popular models and select the best one, then collect national soil and climate data to scale up the model, to project emissions for all Luxembourg croplands. We will also incorporate regional climate projections to model the future greenhouse gas emissions for Luxembourg croplands.

ADAPT will transfer knowledge into Luxembourg: project partners from the University of Aberdeen are global experts in modelling agricultural soil carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. They will train staff at the Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology in this valuable skill. Throughout the project, the ADAPT team will disseminate field and modelling results to the farm community.

Finally, improved greenhouse gas emissions maps for croplands will be delivered to policy makers at the end of the project, an important step-change towards reducing cropland greenhouse gas emissions in Luxembourg. 


Launch 2025-1 BRIDGES Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate the 2025-1 BRIDGES Call is now open. Deadline is 24 April 2025, 14:00 CET. Through BRIDGES, the FNR supports industry partnerships between public research institutions in Luxembourg and national or international companies.

Alpbach Summer School 2025 – apply now!

The Alpbach Summer School 2025 (8 – 17 July) is now open for Master and PhD candidates with a scientific or an engineering background to apply. The Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA), with the support of the FNR and GLAE, is encouraging candidates from Luxembourg to participate in this unique programme. The 2024 topic is ‘Small bodies in the solar system’. Deadline to apply is 2 March 2025.

Women [& girls] in science: Season 4 kicks off

Research Luxembourg returns with the 4th season of the video series, in collaboration with the Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity, Luxembourg (MEGA) and the Ministry of Research and Higher Education (MESR). From 11 February – 8 March 2025, discover the stories of 6 women in various fields of science.

Researchers at School 2025: Researchers, help us fill the remaining sessions!

The FNR is inviting all researchers in Luxembourg to ‘go back to school’ and inspire the next generation of researchers! ‘Researchers at School’ is your chance to interact and motivate future generations, and share the passion that got you into research in the first place. The 2025 edition takes place from Monday, 17 – Friday, 21 March. Help us fill the remaining sessions!

Launch 2025-1 Industrial Fellowships Call

The 2025-1 Industrial Fellowships call is now open, with a deadline of 24 April 2025, 14:00 CET. The Industrial Fellowships programme awards PhD and Postdoc grants to researchers who carry out their PhD and/or postdoc training in collaboration with a company in Luxembourg.

Results 2024-2 Industrial Fellowships Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that 9 of 17 eligible projects submitted to the 2024-2 Industrial Fellowships Call have been retained for funding. The aim of the Industrial Fellowships programme is to foster the cooperation between Luxembourg based companies active in R&D and public research institutions in Luxembourg and/or abroad. The scheme awards PhD and Postdoc grants to researchers who carry out their PhD and/or postdoc training in collaboration with a company in Luxembourg.

FNR funding instruments webinar

On 20 January 2025, the FNR hosted a webinar to provide information about the FNR’s various funding instruments. The presented slides are now available.

Results 2024-2 PSP Classic Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate that 11 of 16 projects were selected for funding in the 2024-2 PSP Classic Call, an FNR commitment of 296,017 EUR. Through the PSP (Promoting Science to the Public), the FNR supports projects that bring science closer to the general public or students.

International cooperation: Round-up funded INTER projects 2024

The FNR is pleased to share that 34 projects were retained for funding across 17 INTER Calls, an FNR commitment of 16 MEUR. Through the INTER programme, the FNR supports the participation of Luxembourg-based researchers in bi and multilateral international projects.

Final results 2024 CORE Call

The FNR is pleased to communicate the final results of the 2024 CORE Call. 37 projects have been retained for funding, an FNR commitment of 25.9 MEUR. Of the 37 projects, 12 are CORE Junior and 5 are CORE International. In the biomedical field, two projects pertaining to research relating to the National Cancer Plan are jointly funded by FNR and Fondation Cancer. The deadline for the 2025 CORE Call is 10 April 2025, 14:00 CET.

Research meets Politics: Evidence-informed inputs for Agriculture, Education and Poverty

Join us on 24 March for insightful discussions at the intersection of science and politics in a relaxed “apéro” atmosphere, organised by the Cellule scientifique of the Luxembourg Parliament and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) in the framework of their exchange programme “Pairing Scheme – Research meets Politics”.

INTERnational cooperation: EUROSTARS programme

The FNR is pleased to communicate that the next EUROSTARS deadline is 13 March 2025. A webinar will take place on 14 January, from 10:30 – 12:00 CET. The FNR supports this call as part of the FNR INTER programme to foster international collaboration.