The Section des Sciences Naturelles, Physiques et Mathématiques of the Institut Grand Ducal is organising the lecture series “Luxembourgish researchers abroad”. Six lectures will take place from 12 October to 23 November 2023. This lecture series is supported by the FNR’s RESCOM programme.
12 October
Bob Schroeder, Chemistry, University College London (talk in German)
26 October
Claude Becker, Genetics, University of Munich (in German)
2 November
Pierre Haas, Mathematics, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (in German)
9 November
Renée Schroeder, Biochemistry, University of Vienna (in German)
17 November
Anna Hirsch, Medicinal chemistry, Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (in German)
23 November
Alain Kohl, Virology, University of Glasgow (in French)
Registration is not needed. For more information, visit