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Call for applications for the first Grand Prix en Sciences Luxembourg-Lorraine

The Section des Sciences naturelles, physiques et mathématiques of the Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg and the Académie Lorraine des Sciences are launching a joint call for applications for the first Grand Prix in Sciences Luxembourg-Lorraine to highlight scientific cooperation between Luxembourg and Lorraine. Deadline is 30 November 2023.

The Grand Prix en Sciences recognises a publication or a set of publications resulting from a scientific collaboration between a researcher/s affiliated with a Luxembourg research institution and a Lorraine research institution. Any publication published during the years 2021-2023 and co-written by at least one researcher affiliated with a Luxembourg scientific institution and one researcher affiliated with a Lorraine research institution is eligible. The eligible scientific fields are biological sciences in the broad sense, chemical sciences in the broad sense, mathematical sciences in the broad sense, physical sciences in the broad sense, earth sciences or geological sciences in the broad sense.

The selection criteria are:

– scientific quality

– the scientific/societal/socio-economic impact, particularly for Luxembourg and Lorraine.

The first Luxembourg-Lorraine Grand Prix en Sciences is worth 5,000.- euros and will be awarded during an academic session on March 13, 2024 in Luxembourg.

The full rules for the call for applications and the application file are available here:

Deadline: The application file with the publication(s) must be submitted by November 30, 2023.

For any further information, please contact Professor Lucien Hoffmann, President of the “Section des Sciences de l’Institut Grand-ducal” (

More information & application