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  • Career Stage(s):
    PhD Candidate (with Masters)
  • Funding Type(s):
    PHD & Postdoc
  • Deadline: 12-03-2025 14:00 CET
  • Call launch: 18 December 2024


AFR is one of the FNR’s longest-running funding schemes and now provides funding for the training of doctoral candidates only. Grants are awarded in the form of an employment contract with the host institution, rather than in the form of a scholarship.

The AFR PhD grant scheme is divided into two sub-categories:

  • AFR PhD in Luxembourg (AFR Incoming): Candidates from any nationality may apply for a doctoral position in an eligible Luxembourg host institution. Candidates will have to spend >50% in Luxembourg under an employment contract with the host institution;
  • AFR PhD abroad (AFR Outgoing): Luxembourg nationals, or residents in Luxembourg for more than 5 consecutive years, may apply for a doctoral position in a public higher education institution abroad. The rule for this type of AFR grants is an employment contract with the institution abroad, but in exceptional cases, grants without a work contract can be awarded.


AFR PhD grants are funded for a maximum of 4 years.

The salary contribution will be paid until the PhD degree has been awarded with a maximum duration of 4 years. Alternatively: Beneficiaries of an AFR PhD fellowship without employment contract will receive a monthly stipend. The topping-up of the stipend up to a maximum amount per month is possible. The FNR does accept cumulating two grants for living costs of different origin up to the maximum limit indicated above. However, in case of approval of the two grants, the funder of the topping-up needs to certify their awareness of and agreement with the AFR grant.

*in case the official Luxembourg salary index changes, the above-mentioned FNR contribution will be adapted automatically by the FNR.


  • The AFR PhD programme currently has 1 Call per year. The next deadline is 12 March 2025 14:00 CET.
  • Applications must be submitted jointly by the AFR candidate and the host institution (having signed the ‘joint declaration’ to be uploaded in the system before proposal submission). Please note, on average around 25% of AFR proposals are funded, due to the high level of applications and limited budget. Expectations should be managed accordingly.

See also..